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Elizabeth King

Registered Psychologist with Psychology Board of Australia

Fellow of the APS College of Clinical Psychologists

Master of Clinical Psychology from QUT

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) from UQ

Registered Provider for Medicare and private health rebates

AHPRA Accredited Supervisor

Private Practice: Elizabeth has maintained her independent private practice in Ballow Chambers for over 15 years. Her practice, focuses on providing Psychoanalytic Therapy for individuals, as well as consultation and supervision for Psychologists and other health and counselling professionals. 

Teaching: Elizabeth spent over a decade providing Clinical Supervision to postgraduate students in the Master of Clinical Psychology Program at the Queensland University of Technology (currently on leave). She has experience as an Associate Lecturer in the Master of Mental Health (Psychotherapy) program at the University of Queensland. She currently runs a Psychoanalytic Supervision Group and various Workshops and Seminars, with a group of colleagues. 

Clinical experience: In addition to her private practice experience, Elizabeth has previous clinical experience in a variety of settings, including community mental health services, drug and alcohol services, group programs in private hospitals, and counselling in university student services.

Affiliations: Elizabeth has served in various Office Bearer roles in the APS Psychoanalytically Oriented Psychologists Interest Group (POPIG). Most recently as National Convenor (2019-2023) and she previously held the positions of National Secretary (2018), Co-chair National Conference Committee (Brisbane 2013), QLD State Coordinator (2011-2013), and QLD State Secretary (2010).  She is a Member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and a Fellow of the APS College of Clinical Psychologists.


Research: Elizabeth is in the process of finalising a large conceptual research project on the role of Freud’s dynamic unconscious in psychoanalytic therapy. Her thesis articulates ways in which Freud’s original concept of an active system of psychic defence is supported by contemporary understandings of mental processes, and ways in which it remains relevant as a unique factor in psychoanalytic theory and therapy. As a researcher and practitioner, she is interested in the integration of psychological science and psychoanalytic theories, including the complicated interplays between (and among) humanity and science; theory, research, and practice. 


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